Credits: Peter Gabriel, Real world, Emi, Republic
Op 1 december lanceert Peter Gabriël zijn tiende album: ‘I/O’. Het was meer dan twintig jaar terug dat zijn laatste plaat ‘New Blood’ verscheen. Van het album dropt Gabriel vandaag zijn zelfgeschreven singel ‘Live and let live’. “Music can be like a box of mood pills that we can use to treat ourselves and a lot of the work of the Reverberation project is focused on that sort of idea,” zegt Gabriel in een statement.
“When someone suggested that forgiveness might be a topic to write about, at first, I thought, ‘that’s not interesting to me,’ but then I remembered two things. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who was the chair of The Elders and a real mentor for me, led the Truth and Reconciliation Committee in South Africa and that really allowed people to expose, report and maybe feel again some of the horrors of the apartheid era. I remember he always said that listening made a huge difference, just making sure people felt heard and recognized. Then, sometimes, it created a space for forgiveness.”. Het nieuwe album telt maar liefst 36 tracks.
En wat betreft zijn nieuwe singel ‘Live and let live’: “That’s what we need a bit more of right now!”
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