Tommy Ashby en Lydia Clowes brengen vandaag hun nieuwe single Happy Just To Know uit. Het is de eerste single van het duo dat vorig jaar te zien was in Will Ferrell’s film Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga. Happy Just To Know is te horen onder de voorjaarscommercial van PLUS die afgelopen weekend voor het eerst is uitgezonden.  Tommy over de nieuwe single:“Happy Just To Know was written at the end of February 2020, I’d just moved in with my girlfriend and relocated to the Suffolk coast. Coming out of winter felt like a new beginning, but at the same time coronavirus was becoming pretty scary.”

Hij vervolgt: “I wanted to write a song about finding a true connection with someone and how that feeling evolves over time, I also wanted to draw reference to the changing of seasons along the way. The pandemic has made it apparent just how much we as humans value physical contact and interactions. Loneliness has been so prevalent and has made us re-evaluate all the things we took for granted. Since this is a song about the start of a relationship, I thought it would be interesting to get both points of view across on the vocals. It’s funny that everyone is nervous at the beginning of a relationship and we just don’t need to be.” Op 14 mei verschijnt de EP Lay Low van Tommy Ashby.

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