Skunk Anansie dropt de video voor hun nieuwe single VICTIM. De track is afkomstig van de plaat “Anarchytecture”. De clip is geregisseerd door Mark Richardson, drummer van de band. Over de single meldt hij: ‘The Victim video is an examination of a split second imagined revenge expanded over the course of the song. Our minds can drive us mad with imaginings when we’re betrayed and the things we could do to get even. More often than not it’s fleeting thought and forgotten quickly but we’re in the Victim video we’re fantasising about carrying it out. If we really are a result of what we do not what we think, how far do we dare push that boundary? Usually we want choose to do or say the next right thing, but sometimes it’s tough to pull yourself back from the edge of something we will almost certainly regret.’ Op 2 februari is Skunk Anansie te zien in de Heineken Music Hall. Voor kaarten ga je op Hitzound naar de Ticketmaster.


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