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Credits: Helge Øverås , Wikipedia

Terug naar 24 juni 1978!  Op deze dag ging de 379e (en één-na-laatste) Troetelschijf van Hilversum 3 naar ‘D.I.Y.’ van Peter Gabriel. Hij schreef het nummer voor zijn tweede solo album ‘Peter Gabriel’ (Scratch), dat geproduceerd werd door Robert Fripp.  De LP werd deels opgenomen in de Relight Studios in het Nederlandse Hilvarenbeek en in The Hit Factory in New York.  Peter vertelt: “We recorded the second album in Holland were we started to get to know each other a lot more as musicians. At that time there were less people in the studio and we started, in this isolated environment of the Dutch studio, to interact in a different way, and I think some of the band chemistry began to form.”

Gabriel vervolgt: “Tony Levin, Larry Fast and Robert Fripp were the only people from the first album that were carried over into the second album. Tony also introduced me to Jerry Marotta, who played a big part in the early records, as did Larry with all the textures he was providing and the synthesizers.” Over Nederland zegt Peter: “We had a fixed time period in the studio in Holland, which we enjoyed, and were introduced to Monastic beers, which we also enjoyed! We were staying in this little house which didn’t have any central heating which we didn’t enjoy so much as it was very cold at the time.”

Het album was succesvol in Nederland; de single niet. Weliswaar kreeg ‘D.I.Y.’ als Troetelschijf de nodige airplay; het nummer haalde geen notering in de Nationale Hitparade. Dit in tegenstelling tot ‘Solsburry hill’, uit het voorjaar van 1977.

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