R&B icoon Maxwell dropt zojuist de video voor zijn nieuwe single “Shame”. Het is een voorproefje van zijn album “NIGHT”. De clip legt de nadruk op de schoonheid van black beauty en daarvoor trommelde Maxwell een aantal modellen en acteurs op voor de clip:
“We wanted to celebrate beauty. Specifically the beauty of Black women. Black women – Black people – don’t see themselves heralded as a standard of beauty nearly enough in the media, especially in entertainment, high fashion and art. It’s getting better, but we still have so far to go,” aldus Maxwell.
“People of color have carried shame about our features, our hair, our bodies, our skin tone. As I said previously, this song is about removing the cloak of shame and opening up to love… including self-love and love of your culture. So we decided to pay homage to another beautiful video, George Michael’s iconic ‘Freedom’ – but make it Black.”