Op 8 september lanceert Jack Johnson inmiddels zijn 7e album “All The Light Above It Too”. Na de Anti-Trump track “My Mind Is For Sale” komt de 42 jarige zanger met de nieuwe single YOU CAN`T CONTROL IT. Het album nam Jack op in zijn Mango Tree Studio met zijn band en producer Robbie Lackritz. Over de plaat meldt de zanger: “This album shares what has been on my mind during the past year or so. A year in which I sailed through the North Atlantic Gyre for a documentary about plastic pollution in the ocean. A year in which Trump was elected as the President of the United States. A year in which I camped, surfed, got stitches, explored, dreamed, shared time and endless conversations with my family and friends … all of which inspired these songs. I usually make sketches of the songs first then set up a time to actually record the album.”



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