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Nieuwe muziek van Howard Jones! ‘I believe in you’ is een voorproefje van zijn aankomende album ‘Dialogue’. De zanger, toetsenist en componist brak door in de eighties met zijn debuutalbum ‘Human’s lib’, met daarop een aantal internationale hits: ‘What is love’ (1983), ‘Pearl in the shell’(1984) en ‘Hide and seek’ (1984). Met de LP bereikte Jones de eerste plaats in Engeland. Over zijn nieuwe single zegt Howard Jones: “ ‘I Believe In You’ was the first song I wrote in lockdown. I noticed that a lot of people were losing confidence and suffering from a lack of contact and support from each other and I wanted to put out a message of encouragement. I believe in you and your amazing potential! I recorded a Nightingale singing his little heart out from my studio window and it felt like he was sending me a message …keep your spirits up! That’s what you hear on the outro of the track …let those bad weather clouds go shimmering by!’ “

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