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Credits: Warner Records

Deze donderdag, 11 april, dropt Dua Lipa haar nieuwe singel. Het nummer heet ‘Illusion’ en wordt de derde singel van haar aankomende album ‘Radical optimism’. De zangeres post intussen verschillende behind-the-scenes teasers van het derde album. “It’s the beauty of the chaos and trying to stay calm through it,” aldus Dua Lipa. “Listening over and over and feeling like, ‘How do I want to tell this story?’”

“I always go for the most upbeat ones to introduce people to the record,” vervolgt de Britse zangeres met Kosovaarse roots. “I can just keep on dancing and keep people dancing. “We’re trying to create a world in a different way, and sonically it was about experimenting. Thematically, it was always about resilience.” Eerdere singels van het album zijn ‘Houdini’ en ‘Training season’.

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