Yola lanceert op 30 juli haar nieuwe album ‘Stand for myself’, dat geproduceerd wordt door Dan Auerbach. De titelsong is de nieuwe single van de Britse soul zangeres, die doorbrak met ‘Faraway look’ in 2019. Met deze song sleepte ze een Top Song binnen op NPO Radio 2. Vorige maand lukte haar dat opnieuw met ‘Diamond Studded Shoes’, de eerste single van het album ‘Sand for myself’. Yola zong voorheen in verschillende bands, waaronder Massive Attack, maar ze wist al vroeg dat ze uiteindelijk solo wilde zingen.
Over haar nieuwe single zegt Yola: “The song’s protagonist “token,” has been shrinking themselves to fit into the narrative of another’s making, but it becomes clear that shrinking is pointless. This song is about a celebration of being awake from the nightmare supremacist paradigm. Truly alive, awake and eyes finally wide open and trained on your path to self actualisation. You are thinking freely and working on undoing the mental programming that has made you live in fear. It is about standing for ourselves throughout our lives and real change coming when we challenge our thinking. This is who I’ve always been in music and in life. There was a little hiatus where I got brainwashed out of my own majesty, but a bitch is back.”