Tiësto deelt vandaag de video voor zijn nieuwe track “Affliction”. Het nummer is een samenwerking met ZAXX en Olivera. “Affiction” is afkomstig van de soundtrack “Ninjawerks Vol.1”. Het is opvallend hoe de game-industrie steeds meer en meer de samenwerking zoekt met de muziekindustrie.
“Ninjawerks has been one of the most exciting projects to put together that I’ve ever been involved in,” aldus manager Toby Andrews van Astralwerks. “We’re so proud of the artists for wanting to be a part of such a forward-thinking idea and ultimately for making some incredible music. It was a real pleasure to be able to help Tyler bring his vision of a gaming soundtrack to life with such a range of talent and we’re excited for everyone to be able to enjoy it and game away.”