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Foto: Imperial Records, Wikipedia

Terug naar 15 januari 1977! Op deze dag ging de Troetelschijf van Hilversum 3 naar ‘Wiggle that wotsit’ van The Hollies. Het nummer was te vinden op de LP Russian ‘Roulette’ van The Hollies dat in 1976 uit wordt gebracht. Zowel de single als de LP werd geschreven door Allan Clarke, Tony Hicks en Terry Sylvester. Achteraf was Clarke ontevreden met ‘Wiggle that wotsit’: “That was a terrible song!… I don’t like to say that I had anything to do with the writing of that song, honestly… It was a fun song. We were experimenting with different sounds and different ways of writing songs. That’s what those albums were more or less about. I thought the album A Crazy Steal was beautiful. We thought that we had a chance of getting hits with the newer songs we were making because they were different and more in the American way, but it wasn’t meant to be. The songs are still there though and they still sound great.” De single ‘Wiggle that wotsit’ behaalt de 20e plaats in de Nationale Hitparade.

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