“The Pressure” is de nieuwe single van The Cranberries. Het is best wrang en confronterend om de stem te horen van Dolores O`Riordan, want ze overleed ruime een jaar geleden. Dolores verdronk in dronken toestand in bad. Voor haar dood had de zangeres demo`s van elf nummers opgenomen, die bedoeld waren voor het laatste album ‘In The End’, dat wordt verwacht op 14 april. In een statement zeggen The Cranberries:
“After Dolores’ devastating and unexpected passing in January 2018, we took some time out and put all plans on hold. As time passed, we began to think about how we might best honour our close friend and bandmate. This was a very painful process. We remembered how Dolores had been so energised by the prospect of making this record and getting back out on the road to play the songs live, and realised that the most meaningful thing to do was to finish the album we had started with her. We felt that this is what she would want. We spoke with Dolores’ family and they agreed.”
All over was de eerste van het nieuwe album dat uitkwam. 26 april komt het album uit