Zojuist deelt SOFI TUKKER de video voor ‘House Arrest’ met Gorgon City. Met deze track scoort het Amerikaans muzikaal duo in de top tien van de TOP 40. Bovendien weten Sophie Hawley-Weld en Tucker Halpern zich nu ook verzekerd van een top tien notering in de Amerikaanse Dance Airplay chart. ‘House arrest; belooft hun grootste hit te gaan worden. Over de clip meldt SOFI TUKKER:
“Over the past 118 days, a community has built around our daily DJ sets. The dedication and love that people are sharing with each other in this really unprecedented time in history has been blowing our minds. It’s become a place that a lot of people, including ourselves, rely on to get through the uncertainty of it all. They call themselves the freak fam and we directed this video together.”