Nieuwe muziek van hardrockband Seether! De Zuid Afrikaanse band is terug in de spotlights met hun nieuwe single NOTHING LEFT. Vooral in Amerika is Seether nogal populair, want ze wisten er al een kleine vijf miljoen albums te verkopen. Het nieuwe album van Seether “Poison To Parish” komt uit op 12 mei. De inspiratie achter NOTHING LEFT : The inspiration behind that song, and pretty much everything else on this album, is looking around at society and seeing how, in my mind, it seems to be crumbling in the sense that we worship and idolize vapid and empty people that have done nothing in their lives to warrant the admiration that they receive. I see it, and it makes me angry and it makes me sad. The fact that I have a teenage daughter who thinks that Instagram is a very important place to get likes because therefore that gives you some sort of self-worth as a human being, I think is bullshit.



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