Sam Hunt dropt de audio van zijn nieuwe single op You Tube. BODY LIKE A BACK ROAD wordt grif gekocht, want de track debuteerde op 1 in de Amerikaanse I Tunes chart. Hunt schreef het nummer samen met Zach Crowell, Josh Osborne en Shan McAnally. De single is de voorloper van zijn tweede album. Sam Hunt: “I’ve been writing songs over the past, I guess, year and a half, trying to conceptualize a new record, and it kinda started taking a heavy direction, and I sat down at one point and was like, ‘Okay, I’m gonna lighten this up a little bit, it needs a lighter flair. BODY LIKE A BACK ROAD sort of swings, and hopefully it’s easy to listen to and will put a smile on some folks’ faces.” Check de nieuwe single hier bij Hitzound.