Pip Blom is back! Het indierock kwartet lanceert hun nieuwe single ‘Keep it together’. De video is geïnspireerd op de workout programma`s zoals die eind jaren tachtig verschenen. (Denk maar eens aan de workout aerobic lessen van Doris D.) Danny en Isabelle Griffioen regisseerden de clip. Ook komt dit najaar het tweede album uit van Pip Blom. ‘Welcome break’ verschijnt op 8 oktober via Heavenly Recordings.
Over de single zegt Pip: Pip said: “A very important thing of all the tracks is the dynamic between Tender’s and my vocals. I feel like we really compliment each other’s tones. Maybe it’s because we’re siblings, but whatever it is, I love it. In the chorus of Keep It Together we sing two completely different bits, but it works really well. Tender did a lot of singing for this record, mainly for the choruses and bridges. I really like how with this bridge you’ve got this whole choir of the two of us singing in different keys. It gives it a very dreamy vibe that is nice after the powerful chorus.”