Als er een formule bestaat voor het maken van aanstekelijke oorwurmen, dan heeft Maroon 5 hem ongetwijfeld in het bezit. Vanaf ‘This Love’ van hun debuutalbum ‘Songs About Jane’ uit 2002 tot ‘Moves Like Jagger’ en ‘Memories’, ze blijven je meteen bij. De nieuwe single van Maroon 5 heet ‘Lost’, waarvan frontman Adam Levine vertelt: “‘Lost’ is actually one of my favorites we’ve ever done. I think it just captures everything the band stands for, all in one song. Whether you liked us back then, whether you like us now, whether you’ll like us later, I think this is kind of a classic sound that we’ve always had. And the song, the lyrics actually were a great process and I worked a lot. They took a while, and that’s, to me, the most important contribution I think that I made to any record. Just sitting with them and really trying to make sure everybody understood what I was saying and not trying to shroud it too much in any metaphor.”