Vrijdag 14 mei komt de nieuwe single uit van Katy Perry: ‘Electric’. De muzikale samenwerking met The Pokémon Company heeft alles te maken met hun 25-jarige jubileum. Katy Perry, die het nummer zelf schreef, zegt over ‘Electric’: “I love being a part of anything that is playful and is good storytelling and has really good messages to share with the world. Now having a child myself, I understand that it’s so important to play. This is a continued extension of who I am.”
De Amerikaanse zangeres vervolgt: “I was pregnant when I was there [at the Pokémon Café in Japan] actually, little did I know! It was amazing. It brought up all these wonderful childhood memories. I’ve been going to Japan since I was 17 every year and have always really loved everything that’s been created there.” Twee weken geleden kwam nog het nummer ‘Cry about it later’ uit, waar Katy Perry aan meewerkte.