JP Cooper ken je van zijn hits ‘Perfect Strangers’ met Jonas Blue en ‘September Song’. En uiteraard ook van zijn kenmerkende dreadlocks! De Britse zanger en gitarist heeft nu de video gelanceerd van zijn nieuwe single: ‘Holy water’. De single schreef hij samen met Tom Barnes, RØMANS, Pete Kelleher en Ben Kohn. “Holy Water is a song that was half finished for about 5 years,” zegt JP Cooper in een statement over het nummer. “I was raised in a strong Catholic household so questioning yourself and your choices was a big part of what was going on in my mind, especially in my teens, early twenties. There were a lot of things I was doing that I probably shouldn’t have been doing given the way that I was raised. There were lots of parts of myself that I guess I was at war with. My dad was always an amazing example… if you fall down, pick yourself up and keep it moving and I guess for him the church and his faith gave him the opportunity to start again, which is what initially inspired me to write the song.” Op 20 november wordt JP Cooper verwacht in TivoliVredenburg.