‘Fever Breaks’, het tiende studioalbum van Josh Ritter, verschijnt op 26 april en is vandaag voorafgegaan door de eerste single ‘Old Black Magic’. Het tien nummers tellende ‘Fever Breaks’ is geproduceerd door Jason Isbell en werd in de legendarische RCA Studio A in Nashville opgenomen met de band van Isbell, The 400 Unit. Naast de sessies in Nashville werden er ook opnamen gemaakt in de Sound Emporium waar het album ook werd gemixt.
Over Fever Breaks laat Josh Ritter weten: ‘The songs are very reflective of the times in which they were written. As we started coming together and playing, the songs that felt like they were gonna work really jumped out as obvious. From there on, after we recorded in August we had this really nice time to stop and listen and let the songs marinate a little bit. In that time, the world has just become even crazier. There’s a lot of the record that feels reflective of the moment it was in.’