Foo Fighters vuren de animatie video af van het nummer ‘Chasing birds’. De track is afkomstig van hun van hun nieuwste album ‘Medicine At Midnight’, dat in Amerika al de eerste plaats wist te bereiken in de Billboard chart. “It’s our 10th album, and it’s our 25th anniversary”, zegt frontman Dave Grohl. “We’re. like, okay, let’s look back at all the stuff that we’ve done before. We’ve made that loud sort of noisy punk rock fast stuff. We’ve made the sleepy acoustic kind of gentle acoustic record stuff. We’ve done the three- or four-minute-long bubblegum rock and roll, pop, single thing before. And it was, like, well, what haven’t we done? And we had never really made a groove-oriented sort of party record.” De plaat produceerde band samen met Greg Kurstin.