Dragonette lanceert een nieuwe single. In 2014 stond de Canadese electropop band nog in de Nederlandse Top 40 en Mega Top 50 met OUTLINES ( met Mike Mago ). De nieuwe single van Martina Sorbara, Dan Kurtz en Joel Stouffer heet LONELY HEART en is een voorproefje van hun vierde studioalbum, dat later dit jaar verschijnt. Martina over de single: “When we started writing “Lonely Heart,” like most songs, we weren’t entirely aware of where it was leading us. But then, slowly, a kind of “covert sad song” started to form. On the surface it’s almost a party tune, but if you follow it more closely it’s quite melancholic. But I think it’s the kind of melancholy that most people enjoy feeling. The kind that keeps you interesting.”(SPIN)