David Guetta & MORTEN droppen vandaag de lyric video van ‘Kill me slow’, hun nieuwe single. Het is één van de vier tracks van hun ‘New Rave’ EP. “A year ago I started to make music with my friend Morten,” zegt David Guetta over de samemwerking én de sound. “I felt like there was a choice between underground which was cool but maybe more adapted to clubs rather than festivals, or EDM that was still killing the dancefloor but was sounding the same for the last 4 years and was not satisfying anymore. We wanted to make music that would be sexy, have the cool factor of techno, the energy of EDM and why not the emotion of trance. We wanted to make quality dance music with zero compromise and give a lot of attention to finding new sonics. We wanted to make music people have never heard before. Almost one year later and many producers started to make music in the same style, our music is becoming a movement and djs call it future rave.“

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