Chet Faker kondigt zijn nieuwe album aan! Op 16 juli lanceert Nick Murphy zijn plaat ‘Hotel Surrender’. Het album telt 10 songs, die hij alle zelf schreef en produceerde. Eerste single van de plaat is ‘Whatever Tomorrow’. Chet Faker meldt over zijn nieuwe album: “There were a lot of heavy perspective shifters for me,” he recalls. “I really just thought of the music in a different light. I look at it as a mass therapy now. I think I used to see it as this plight, like I was on a crusade or this creative odyssey. Now I see that it’s more Shamanistic. You’ve got to find some light—or sometimes dark, whatever’s right—and share it. I realized that was the heart of the Chet Faker project. And I felt like the world was hurting, so I thought, ‘I can do a small something to give people some joy.”