Vannacht is de official video van Burna Boy’s nieuwe single Wonderful uitgekomen. In een statement legt Burna Boy uit dat Wonderful hem eraan herinnert dat ‘ongeacht hoe ver je gaat of hoe hard je werkt, je klaar moet zijn om naar huis te komen’. En thuis is precies waar de African Giant ons in deze video mee naar toe neemt.
Burna Boy: “My new music is deliberately set ‘in the land of Warriors, Kings and Queens’ to depict the strength in our origins as Black people, as Africans. We are the most resilient people, always able to find the silver lining in every situation and turn it to a cause for communal celebration. Then we live to fight another day. It’s important for me to show that music is a uniting force that transcends state lines, barriers and borders.”
De Nigeriaanse dance hall king legt uit waar ‘Eonderful’ over gaat: “This song is about the “wonders” of seeing the impact of my music on people’s lives as they shared their joy, pain, and pleasure with me while I toured the world. It serves as a note that no matter how far you go, or how hard you work; you must be ready to come home, the pandemic forced us all to take a refuge in our home. Above all, Africa is home, it is the motherland to all people. For us to truly matter, Africa has to matter.”