DJ / Producer Bruno Martini dropt zijn verse track “Youngr” met Shaun Jacobs. De 26 jarige Braziliaan schreef de upbeat house track met Shaun Jacobs. Hij dook met hem de West Lake Studios (Los Angeles) in met niemand minder dan Timbaland! De clip vol vol fast cars is geschoten in het broeierige São Paulo.

“I’ve always been into fast cars and race cars,” aldus Bruno Martini over de video.” Fiuk introduced me to the Drift car community in Sao Paulo and I was blown away. I thought the whole vibe and setting and edge of drifting fitted with the atmosphere I wanted to lay down on the Youngr video, so we actually filmed it at the Drift track where Fiuk and his crew do regular Drift racing competitions… I still need to learn alot about racing cars in this way, but I’m hooked!”



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