Vandaag is de video online gegaan van Bishop Briggs voor de nieuwe single ‘Higher’. Je kent de Britse zangeres van nummers als ‘White fag’, ‘Champion’ en ‘Jekyll & Hide’. Ditmaal een nummer met een meer poppy sound, die een glimlach op je gezicht tovert. Ze schreef het nummer in een donkere periode van haar leven. Bishop Briggs: “I wanted to be the person who had learned all their lessons and was ready to move on, but I wasn’t there yet. Not even close,” Briggs explains. “I started imagining myself racing down the street high-fiving whoever I could — spreading joy so much that I became joy.”

“I then imagined myself feeling a lightness in my thoughts where I could negate even the most intrusive thoughts just by telling them to leave me be,” vervolgt ze. “I imagined this person because I desperately wanted to be this person. I hope you feel a relief when you listen to ‘Higher’ because just by listening to it, you are manifesting a new existence in which you are the joy.”

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