2011 was haar absolute doorbraak. SKINNY LOVE was haar eerste en grootste hit. Na PEOPLE HELP THE PEOPLE (2012) en WINGS (2013) is het al een tijdje rustig rond Birdy. Toch zit de singer-songwriter bepaald niet stil. Dit jaar dropte ze haar album “Beautiful Lies” met de gelijknamige single. Nu brengt Birdy de single GHOST IN THE WIND uit. De ballad is afkomstig van de soundtrack “The Edge Of Seventeen” die gemaakt is voor de gelijknamige film. Birdy over GHOST IN THE WIND : “Well, I got to see the film and I absolutely loved it. It’s beautiful and so amazing. There’s a scene that really inspired me, which is where Nadine, the main character, she’s kind of had enough and given up and pushed away all of the people who she really loves. And she doesn’t have very many friends. She’s kind of weird and unique, and I really loved that about her. She just has had enough and she’s so proud, too proud to admit that she was wrong, and so the song is like a cry for help and it’s her wishing that everything were back to normal. But yeah, it’s such a beautiful film.”