Bastille lanceert vandaag een nieuwe single: ‘Revolution’. De track vind je op de nieuwe versie van het album ‘Give Me The Future + Dreams Of The Past’, een plaat met veel extra’s. “In releasing this version of the record, we wanted to give the complete picture of what we intended with this album and also explore the idea that you can choose your own adventure,” aldus frontman Dan Smith. “You can dive into the ideas of the future and an electronic world, or you can fall back into the past – away from technology and into ideas of memory and nostalgia – both thematically and musically. Or you can choose full-on dancefloor heartbreak escape.”
Over de nieuwe single zegt Dan: “Revolution” had always been one of the core songs for “Give Me The Future” and took inspiration from Quincy Jones’ production and The Weeknd’s “Can’t Feel My Face”. “The chorus is about the intimacy of human connection in the context of some science fiction, space-centred imagery. But it’s also about the idea of those amazingly thoughtful people who spend their lives trying to change the world in a positive way.” De single ‘Revolution’ vind je vers op de playlist Brand New van Hitzound.