Ane Brun lanceert de video van ‘Take Hold Of Me’: afkomstig van haar aankomende studioalbum. De plaat zal dit najaar verschijnen en is haar eerste nieuwe werk sinds 5 jaar. De Noorse zangeres vertelt:  “This song came to life during a writing session with Martin Hederos and Josefin Runsteen in Spring of 2019. I’ve hardly done any live co-writing before (that is, meeting together in a room and creating something from scratch). I mostly prefer being alone in my own bubble when I create the first few seeds of a song. It’s a very intimate and intense activity for me, almost meditative and very intuitive and it involves a lot of improvisation. But I decided to give it a chance, and even though at one point I almost blushed because I felt so vulnerable digging into my soul in front of three friends, I’m very grateful we did it because a few really good songs came out of it, and it also made me braver.”

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