De 24 jarige Liam Payne lanceert vandaag zijn lang verwachte nieuwe single BEDROOM FLOOR. Tegenover The Sun meldt Liam over de single: ‘There’s one song that is basically phone call that happened between me and her when she was about to let it go. This is a long time ago. And it’s basically me trying to cling on and say: “No, no, no it’s all going to work out, don’t worry about it, give it time”. De vrouw om wie het zou gaan in BEDROOM FLOOR is zijn vriendin en voormalige Girls Aloud zangeres Cheryl. De twee zijn inmiddels trotse ouders van hun zoontje, waarover Cheryl meldt: ‘It’s just me, Liam and the baby rocking around 24/7, so you don’t have one second to yourself really, especially not in that first three months.’



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